


The Doctor Will Tweet You Now

The world is communicating in a very different way. Physicians have to deal with consumers who are more informed and connected online to others. Gone are the days where the physician is the sole source knowledge. With the evolvement of the e-patient movement physician will need to know how to use social and emerging technology to research, connect, and communicate with other patients, physicians, and researchers. Past communicating consumers are reviewing, rating, and selecting providers based on experiences and what they read and connect with online. Providers who are engaged online stand a better chance to influence those actions.

St. David’s Healthcare CME program recognized the significance of ongoing clinical changes in medicine and how often new techniques and outcomes are introduced. We are proud to offer the library of courses available to you, however, cannot guarantee that all courses are presented with the most current information. The course shown above is no longer available for CME credit.

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St. David's HealthCast